Take part in our survey about training for parent carers
Tell us about the SEND training and workshops you want! We know that many parents
Sarah Smith
September 12, 2023
Introducing the new Ambassador Volunteer coordinator
Working jointly with Parent Carer Forum Devon (PCFD), Sarah Lord has recently joined the DiAS
Sarah Smith
July 7, 2023
New SEN support jargon buster
Confused about colourful semantics and co-regulation? Want to understand what relational and restorative approaches are
Sarah Smith
June 21, 2023
New Guide to SEN support in schools
The thing we probably get asked most about on our enquiry line is how a
Sarah Smith
June 5, 2023
Our 2021-22 annual report
This week saw the publication of our annual report for 2021/22. In it you can
Sarah Smith
May 4, 2023
DiAS parent training sessions for the summer term
DiAS parent training session dates are now live for the Summer term. Book your place
Sarah Smith
March 14, 2023
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