Life with a child with special educational needs or a disability (SEND) is full of ups and downs.
You see your amazing children succeed and you have great working relationships. But sometimes there is also frustrating progress, lack of support and challenging situations.
Whatever your situation or experiences there are some things that all parents and carers need – access to information you can trust and support from other parents who understand what you’re going through. Many parents also want to share what they have learned and help services get better for everyone.
Our Ambassador Volunteers help parents and carers do those things.
Ambassador Volunteers connect parents within their own communities and more widely into a network across Devon. They’re based in communities across the county. Some are mums and dads of children with SEND and some are professionals and support staff who work with them. What they all have in common is a desire to help families and an understanding of what life is like with a child with special educational needs.
Our Ambassador Coordinator, Sarah Lord, has written an introduction to the AV programme, explaining the key things it does and how to connect.
Ambassador volunteers do a wide range of different things, depending on what is happening in their local communities, what their interests are and how much time they can give to the role. Here are some examples:
- sharing SEND information from DiAS out to their networks, on social media sites or locally at their schools and to their contacts
- starting and running an SEND support group in partnership with a school
- supporting parent carer groups or working with an organisation to share information that way
Many volunteers are parents who just want to help other parents find their way to the support they need on their SEND journey. Some volunteers are professionals and they support parent carers and their families in support groups.
- chat with you about support groups and services in your area
- show you where to find good information about SEND, including DiAS information
- discuss social media sites that are helpful and positive
- tell you about activities or local events
- help you feel less isolated and more connected, especially if you’re new to the area, feeling overwhelmed or new to SEND
- introduce you to other parents in your area
- be an understanding listener when you are finding your feet in the SEND world
We have Ambassador Volunteers across the county – their locations can be found on this map. We also work in partnership with the Family Hubs who support children from the age of 0-18 years (25 years with SEND) and their families. Family Hub SEND Ambassadors can be found in most areas.
These are groups led or attended by an Ambassador Volunteer. Some meet face to face, and others are online support groups.
Duncan Casburn | South Molton 1pm Mondays | YMCA | |
Isabelle Painter | 10am on the 2nd Thursday of the month term time. See website for other groups such as Mental Health Peer Support Group | Ockment | Community Links South West CIC | Okehampton, Devon ( |
Hannah Stead |
| Facebook (Holsworthy SEND) via email: |
Kate Amphlett, Hannah Reeves, Jo Tagg, Ellie Shepherd, Yona Wiseman |
| Avanti Parent Carer Support group | |
Mags Dixon | Check online for events each month | John Lewis Community Room Exeter | |
Katie Cobley | Fortnightly on Fridays 9.30-11.00 Alternate venues Cullompton Scout Hut and Splendidly Blended – check Facebook page |
| |
Mags Dixon |
| The Beacon Centre, Beacon Lane, Exeter, EX4 8LZ. | Nexus Family Wellbeing Hub open to those who live within the catchment of the 5 Nexus Primary Care Network (Mount Pleasant, South Lawn, Hill Barton, Heavitree & Isca) |
Cara Stratford | 9.30-11.30 Wednesday | 39 Scott Drive Exmouth | |
Cara Stratford | Half termly Check online or email for info | 39 Scott Drive Exmouth Seachange | |
Mags Dixon | Check online for events each month | 1-2 Kings Court, New Street, Honiton, EX14 1HG | |
Mags Dixon | Check online for events each month | All Saints Church, All Saints Road, Sidmouth EX10 8ES | |
Sarah Coy | 3.45-5.15 Thursday | Meadow Centre Teignmouth, TQ14 9AQ | After school parent/carer group for children of any age with SEND |
Sarah Coy | 12.30-2.30 Thursday | Meadow Centre Teignmouth, TQ14 9AQ | Home Education Group |

Page updated: October 2024
Page due for review: October 2025