An education, health and care needs assessment can help find out if you need additional help to get the best out of school or college. It will gather information to help the local authority decide what help you might need and how that will look.

It is a careful look at what you might need help with to get the best out of school, college or training.
It involves you and the people who know you well, like your parents and carers thinking about what extra help or support you might need.
It also involves people who know you at school saying what you can do well and what you need help with.
If you have a social worker, they will also be asked what they think you need help or support with.
If a doctor or therapist knows you, they may be asked for their views too.
They then write reports suggesting what might be helpful.
You might need an EHC needs assessment if:
- Your school or college may not be able to give you all of the support you need.
- It is before your 25th birthday.
- You have special educational needs.
In Devon someone who works in the SEN 0-25 Team decides which young people need an Education Health and Care plan.
To help them decide they will ask you what you can do on your own and what you might need extra help with.
They will also ask the people that help and support you in your learning to think about what you might need and then write a report about it.
The people that are usually asked to write a report are:
- People that support you, including your parents or carers.
- Your school or college.
- An educational psychologist. This is someone who knows lots about how people learn.
- Your doctor and therapist if you have one.
- Your social worker if you have one.
- Any other people you want to write reports to explain your needs.
YOU are the most important person in this assessment.
This assessment is all about your future. So it’s really important you have the chance to give your views about what you want and need.
To do this you’ll be asked for your views about how things are now and what your hopes are for the future.
There are different ways you can record your thoughts and views. Here are some ways that may be helpful.
- You can complete a form called ‘This is me’ or ‘All about me’ to tell people what you think about school and college and to say what you would like to do in the future.
- You can give your views by making a video rather than writing things down.
- You can use drawing, diagrams or mind maps to help you express your views.
- You can get help from a DiAS Child & Young Person’s Worker to help you think about and record your views. You can contact them here.
Once the SEN 0-25 Team have all the information and reports they need they will decide if you need an EHC plan.
They may say that you don’t need an EHC plan. If you do not agree then you can say so.
They may say you do need an EHC plan, but when you get the plan you don’t agree with what is written. If you do not agree then you can say so.
If you need help saying you don’t agree with what they have said you can get help from a DiAS Child & Young Person’s Worker. You can contact them here.
You can ask the SEN 0-25 Team for an EHC needs assessment if it is before your 25th birthday and you think you might need one.
Other people can ask for you too. This might be your parents or carers, your school or people who work with you, like doctors or teachers.
- Contact the 0-25 Team using the information below, give them your name and contact details and tell them that you would like an EHC needs assessment.
- They may ask you some questions and send you a form to fill in.
- You can ask for help to do this, you can ask an adult you know to help you or you can ask DIAS for help. You can contact DiAS here.
Here are contact details for the SEN 0-25 Team:
- Phone 01392 380434 (option 1). Phone lines will be open 10 am to 12 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm, Monday to Friday.
- Email
- Postal address: SEN 0-25 Team, Room L102, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QD
Page updated: April 2024
Page due for review: April 2026