Category: Resources
The resources area is the place to find useful documents to download for yourself or for someone you know.
Our easily accessible information around all aspects of special educational needs and disability is designed to help you make informed decisions. We aim to keep all our information current, accurate and impartial.
We have a range of leaflets, fact sheets, How to Guides and other resources for parents, carers and young people. You can download an up-to-date list of all our publications (PDF 173kb).
We are currently reviewing, refreshing and in some cases rewriting our resources in an ongoing programme of change to make them more user friendly and helpful. We are always looking for parents and carers to help us create resources that meet people’s needs and help them feel more confident and skilled. If you’d lie to help us do that, we’d like to hear from you. Contact us and ask to speak to Sarah Smith, DIAS Information Officer, for more information.
Have a look on our resources pages for:
Page updated: February 2019
Page due for review: February 2012