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Telephone and email support

DiAS enquiry line staff give telephone and email support. Here’s what you can expect if you call or email us.

Email enquiries

email iconUsing our contact form, you can email us at any time with a query about SEND support.

When you fill the form in, it’s helpful if you can give us some basic information about you (if you’re a young person) or your child. It helps us to know:

  • Where you live in Devon.
  • The main issue you’re contacting us about.
  • Your age (if you’re a young person) or your child’s age.
  • If you need us to get back to you urgently (for example if you have a deadline, or your child has just been permanently excluded).

You’ll get a reply directly from one of our enquiry line staff. Most of the time, you will be able to speak to or hear from someone the same day or the day after you contact us.

If it looks like what you’re asking needs a discussion one of our team will contact you by email or, they might ask if they can call you for a chat instead, as sometimes a phone call is easier and more helpful for you.

“Thank you for all the input and support you have given which has been helpful and useful. Your support has kept me going at times when I was flagging. By providing me with links and information I could look into things myself and find out more and you have helped me to keep positive.”

Telephone enquiries from parents and carers

Our telephone number is 01392 383080. This is a dedicated enquiry line, usually open between 10am and 3pm, Monday to Friday. Don’t forget you can contact us using our web form at any time too. If we are calling you, it may show on your phone as ‘number withheld’.

The enquiry line is open all year round, not just in term time, but some times are busier than others. The start of a new term is often busy, particularly the start of the new academic year! 

mobile phone icon

The enquiry line runs as a helpline system, which means that when you call or send a message in, one of our experienced and knowledgeable team will be on hand to deal with your enquiry. They use a solutions focused approach to help you find a clear and positive way forward with the issue you have that day.

All the enquiry line staff have SEND legal training run by the national Information Advice and Support Service. That means they can give you legally based information about your rights and responsibilities and those of early years, schools, colleges, the Local Authority, health and education professionals. 

“With all the information swirling around it was good to get some perspective on what needs to be done. The DiAS Officer was patient, calm and listened to my frazzled issues then slowly peeled back the emotion to get to the point; that being what is best for the child and what can we do for the child.”

We operate on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and usually contact people in the order in which they’ve contacted us (unless you need to speak to someone urgently). About one day in every six weeks, the enquiry line is closed for a whole team meeting and training. You’ll be able to leave a message or you can use the web contact form on those days. 

We aim to help you understand more about SEND support, the law and what you can do to make a difference. We give support to:

  • help you to feel confident and knowledgeable when you talk to professionals
  • develop new skills
  • feel well prepared for meetings, discussions and appeals.

You can download a copy of the leaflet about our services (PDF 432kb

Please note

We always do our best to help you as soon as we can, but we aren’t a crisis or emergency service! We know that sometimes things happen very quickly, for example, if a child is permanently excluded. If you need to speak to us urgently, we will contact you as soon as we can. In the meantime we’ll try and give you information that tells you what you need to do next.

Fill in our form

If you would like support with a special educational needs issue, please click the button below and fill out the form. We ask you for some basic information at this stage so that we can give you the right support in the right way. You can ask a professional to fill the form out with you.

Email us

For specific information about SEND, quick queries or for ordering resources: 

For volunteering:

For our training:

To ask about our website and publications:

Phone us

Call our enquiry line on 01392 383080. Calls will be answered between 10 am and 3 pm Monday to Friday, or you can leave a message outside of these times.

Page updated: March 2022
Page due for review: March 2024

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