This week saw the publication of our annual report for 2021/22. In it you can find details about what we achieved, people we supported and how we influenced local and national policy and services.
Here are a few of the highlights:
- The service saw rising demand for yet another year. The increase of 40% had a significant impact on the staff team, with the additional challenge of no extra capacity and changes in staff. There was a significant increase in both health and social care related enquiries – 96% and 157% respectively.
- The demand on other services, such as the continuing rise in EHC needs assessment requests and ASD assessment referrals, had an immediate impact on demand for our service.
- The service continues to be highly valued by its users. 90% of enquirers responded with the highest rating to the question ‘How helpful was the information, advice and support we gave you?’ on our feedback form.
- The development of the children and young people’s offer has been very successful and contributed to a Devon-wide vision to promote the voice of the child. It has enabled compliance with our statutory requirements.
- The Ambassador Volunteer Programme, run jointly with Parent Carer Forum Devon, has successfully built local connections for SEND families and delivered our training offer. It has been recognised nationally as a model of good practice.
If you want to find out more, you can read an executive summary of the report, including recommendations, or the full report.
If you have any feedback or comments about the service, contact us or use our feedback form.
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