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Training and information events

One of the ways that DiAS supports parents and professionals is by sharing our knowledge and expertise.

We often work directly with parents to deliver our training and also co-produce sessions with other organisations and teams.

We inform and support parents by:

  • delivering training
  • running workshops and seminars
  • putting on information events
  • telling others about the work we do, and how we can support parents, carers, children and young people

Training and information events for parents

All of our parent training is free and currently takes place online.

During 2024 we are developing a new training offer and will be starting some face to face as well as virtual training later in the year. Details of any training sessions will always be advertised on our website and our Facebook page.

Demystifying SEND 

Road stretching into the distanceThis session is aimed at parent/carers supporting their child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who would like to find out more about SEND support. It’s jointly hosted by Sarah Skinner, a member of our enquiry line team, and Information and Training Officer, Sarah Smith. 

It aims to help parents understand how they can access information and which services may be available for them. There is discussion about the graduated response and the terminology around SEND used in schools. e.g. universal, targeted, specialist services. Parent carers can also find out more about working with school in an assess, plan, do and review type approach. 

Listening to your Child’s Views 

girl with a megaphoneHelping your child to express themselves and tell you how they feel about life at school (and life in general) is important. It helps to make sure they get support that’s going to work for them.

Many children need support from their parents or carers to help them talk about their thoughts and feelings and share their views with professionals. There are lots of ways to help your child to talk about what school is like and what they would like to achieve and change.

In this session you’ll hear lots of practical tips and strategies to guide you. We will be sharing tools to help your child focus on what’s working and what isn’t, and where they want to get to. 

This is a free online session lasting an hour, with the opportunity for questions and discussion for 30 minutes afterwards. It’s jointly hosted by Anna Meikle, a DiAS Children and Young People’s worker and Sarah Smith, DiAS Information and Training Officer.

Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan Myth-busting 

This session is for parent carers who have a child with an EHC plan, who are preparing for a review. 

Blackboard with annual review written on itAs time goes on, things will change for your child. They will make progress and get older and their situation and goals will change. So, their EHC plan may need to change too. For this to happen the plan will need to be reviewed regularly – usually once every 12 months.

The session includes:

  • myths and misunderstandings about EHC plan reviews
  • the process of an EHC review and what each part means
  • review meetings and what happens at them
  • your role in the review and how to make sure your views and your child’s are heard
  • what happens after an EHC plan is reviewed

It’s jointly hosted by, Amy Jones, one of the DiAS Leads, and Sarah Smith, DiAS Information and Training Officer.

To find out more about the sessions, contact Sarah Smith.

Page updated: January 2024
Page due for next review: August 2025

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