Bookings for the Spring term sessions of our free training for parent carers – Making Sense of SEND – are now open!
These sessions are free for parent carers in Devon and can be done online or in person. Previous attendees have described the training as “Excellent, so empowering!”, “Good practical help” and “Friendly with a chance to ask questions”.
The aim is to help parent carers understand some of the most important information and the most useful skills to develop when supporting a child with SEND. They will explain the basics about special educational needs, SEN support and how the SEND system works and help parents to feel more confident about speaking up for their child and working with professionals.
You may find it most useful if you’re new to SEND or have a child being supported without an EHC plan, but anyone is welcome to join!
There are two online sessions which you can do one after the other, (part one followed by part two) or separately as individual stand-alone sessions. All the training will be repeated each term so if you miss one session, you can join the next time. Each term the in-person training will be in a different part of Devon.
Online sessions
Part one: About SEND and school
Wednesday 12 March 2025, 1pm-2.30pm
This session covers:
- Important things to know – the law, the SEND system, types of SEN, SEND language
- SEN Support – core principles of support, types and levels of support, how SEN support works, school plans and adjustments
- Getting help – when and how to get help, the Local Offer in Devon, useful organisations and services, how to get more help
Book your place on Ticket Tailor.
Part two: How to take part and share what you know
Wednesday 19th March 2025, 10am-11.30am
This session covers:
- Your views and your role – what is a parents role and what isn’t, sharing your views, day to day contact with your child’s nursery, school or college, taking part in meetings.
- Your child or young persons views and how to collect and share them.
- Sharing what you know – knowing your child and knowing your child’s SEN, gathering and sharing useful evidence, what to do if things go wrong.
Book your place on Ticket Tailor.
In person session (parts one and two together)
2nd April 2025, 9.15am for a 9.30am start – 12.45pm.
Cullompton Community Centre, Pye Corner, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 1JX.
Book your place on Ticket Tailor (places limited)
Tickets are unlimited for the online sessions but there are only 30 places available for the in person session. There will be time for questions and discussion during both types of sessions.